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Qader Kazimizada

As time passes, I realize more what JRS is to me. I spent over 10 years working with JRS. Starting from Bamiyan, then Daikundi, and now in Kabul. I receive a monthly salary thanks to which my entire life has been formed in a way I am proud of. I feel that the values JRS proclaims can be recognized in people and I try to practice them in my community and my life. Seeing the commitment of JRS International staff inspires me to give more to my people. I believe that people always have the love and passion to help others but also that they require mobilization. I found myself as one who recognized that potential to do what is just and to reach out to people around me who are suffering from hunger and poverty. This was not possible unless I became part of JRS. Whatever

I've learned during my career in JRS, has now become my attitude.


At the very beginning of the spread of the coronavirus in Afghanistan,

I started advocating for poor families in my community in Kabul. For the first time, I could help two very poor families with food materials. For the second time, I decided to do advocacy, for which I did a survey, and could assist 22 families with a sack of wheat flour each. I will be able to help 27 families next time. In conclusion, I express my gratitude to JRS for giving me so much that I now am able to reach out to families who need my help.

I realize more what

JRS is to me

Photo courtesy- Steve McCurry, Musafer Ali

& JRS photo. 

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