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Quentin Dignam

Any stranger entering Afghanistan joins a long story.  I was no different.  I learnt from travellers and the history books about centuries of conflict but I heard little of the ordinary person.  What I found was a land of austere beauty and a strong, dignified people.  Others will tell the story of JRS’ evolving mission in Afghanistan.  I just note that JRS Afghanistan is a rich mystery: it has the questioning, reflective spirit of the magis along with the daily pragmatism of the host country.  The JRS people ‘own’ the organisation they work for - valuing what it offers and bringing their compassion and resourcefulness to its mission.  They cared for me in my sickness and shared stories of their own struggles and journeys, their culture and their faith.  This was hospitality.  They heard and questioned the ideas we brought.  This was self-respect.  I felt their urgent hunger to serve their people and to transform their country, to recover their traditions and build a new future.  This was hope.  They reminded me again that we don’t need a lot but we must live with generosity, compassion and openness to the one in front of us.  And (they chided me): sometimes you need to laugh.  If they can, I can.

This was hope

Photo courtesy- Steve McCurry, Musafer Ali

& JRS photo. 

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