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Herat is one of the cities in Afghanistan to which most of the refugees, who have returned from Iran, have settled and reintegrated. So also, a high number of IDPs from different affected provinces have settled and reintegrated in Herat Province.


Because of the high number of returnees and IDPs, JRS opened an office 15 years ago in Herat Province to serve and provide equality education, vocational training and emergency relief for the retegration of returnees/IDPs and minority ethnic groups.


I am Engineer M. Naim Karimi, director of Aria Nawid Construction Company. In support of the JRS objectives, I took up the construction of the main four-storey building for Herat Technical Institute (HTI) and repairs of the Sohadat school in the returnee township.


I am proud to share that a young engineer who graduated from HTI supervised my project that was funded by UN Habitat in Herat city. This shows that many HTI graduates are working as engineers in the western region of Afghanistan. But, this is not enough and I do hope that JRS will extend and continue its services in Herat to help returnees to reintegrate well in the community.


Engineer M.Naim Karimi (Director ANCC) with special greetings on the 15th anniversary of JRS, from Mr. Abdul Rahim Karimi, former HTI Director 

Photo courtesy- Steve McCurry, Musafer Ali

& JRS photo. 

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