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“Prisoners of hope”

Ingrid Mendonca

We are passing through unprecedented challenging times. For Afghanistan, the challenges are more acute, multiple and complex than many others, yet we stand firm and continue to remain “prisoners of hope” together with you. Actually, it is our turn to say a big ‘Thank You’ to JRS Afghanistan. You showed us the door to Afghanistan and guided us in our search to stand in solidarity with the Afghan people. We also discovered your committed team, living a simple life and helping to build the lives of young people. Your efforts to educate, train and find opportunities for higher studies for these young girls and boys is the sustainable contribution to the future. The fact that so many of them returned to work with JRS is the real testimony.


We have been fortunate to be partners with you and wish you all the

best for your continuing work in education, peace building and developing the capacities of the Afghan people.


With all good wishes, In solidarity.


Photo courtesy- Steve McCurry, Musafer Ali

& JRS photo. 

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