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Cristóbal Roa SJ

I was in Herat in 2007 as military chaplain with the Spanish Army

within the International Force deployed in that country. Our International Military Base was located in the airport of Herat.

On arriving at my mission, on the table in the small sacristy and office

the chaplain occupied, I found a piece of paper with a phone number on it that said “Jesuits of Herat.” I was able to contact the Jesuits who came from different provinces in India.

Since I, like the other military support Force, could not leave the Base,

I invited my fellow Jesuits to visit me at the base. I remember Antony Santiago, Stan Fernandes, Maria Joseph, Jerome Sequeira... they came several times. For them, too, moving around was complicated:  the distance, the lack of a vehicle of their own.

I remember especially a visit of these colleagues on 31 July 2007. We celebrated the Mass of Saint Ignatius as a community, with the participation of many military personnel, everything in English. Fr Antony Santiago presided and preached. It was very moving. I greatly appreciated these Jesuits for their dedication, devotion and sacrifice in those lands so distant, barren and at war.

My time in that mission is over. I retain the memory of those six months lived intensely. Those companions continued their mission in Afghanistan.

With these lines, my gratitude, regards, acknowledgement and affection.

“Jesuits of Herat”

Photo courtesy- Steve McCurry, Musafer Ali

& JRS photo. 

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