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Sahaya Jude SJ

I worked in two provinces of Afghanistan, Herat and Bamiyan. Afghanistan opened me to new horizons of uncertainties, where unimaginable things become everyday happenings, and a restricted environment paved a way for my growth. Every day we acquired new knowledge. A bond of sharing, caring, and learning became part and parcel of our community life.


I taught in many schools and institutes there. I met so many people

every day: students ranging from primary to college, teachers and

co-workers. Now I see many of my students becoming teachers, doctors, engineers, and some even government officials. That’s where I find that my hard work and silent encouragement has borne abundant fruits. All the students and places that I have visited remain ever fresh in my mind. Being with the people, one can understand that all the world media portrays is to be taken with a pinch of salt. The people of Afghanistan are God-fearing, loving and caring. My only prayer is that the Almighty Allah brings peace to the hearts of the people and all work together for the future of the country.

A bond of sharing, caring,

and learning

Photo courtesy- Steve McCurry, Musafer Ali

& JRS photo. 

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